Thursday, July 22, 2010

getting it right

Over the past few weeks, Eve and I have (at long last!) been spending some regular non-vanilla time together. We’ve had several wonderful sessions – sessions that are notably different from those we had prior to putting our D/s relationship on hold. The most drastic change has been in the overall tone and spirit of our play. Our recent time together has been more spontaneous, more relaxed, and – on my part – more playful than ever before.

For most of this year, we’ve been lost and floundering - unable to find what will work for us because we were too bogged down by the details. And while this is a serious thing that we are building, we finally understood that we don’t need to approach it so seriously all of the time. We don’t need to dwell on “what went wrong” or remain ever focused on “fixing” it. We needed to stop thinking so much and start doing... to take some time to reconnect and just play.

Interestingly enough, without ever talking about it, Eve and I both came to these realizations around the same time. And when a random comment spurred an impromptu spanking session, the magic of the moment was clear. Since then, we’ve gotten rid of a lot of the things that were getting in our way. We’ve stopped putting the pressure of our expectations on one another. We’ve made a conscious decision to keep the power dynamics somewhat minimalistic while we work on some lingering issues. We’re keeping it low key, playing it by ear, and seeing what happens.
And it really seems to be working for us.

Somehow, without really meaning to, we’ve finally gotten something absolutely right.

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